Online Resources
Videos and guides created to spur honest discussion, personal reflection and/or small group processing.

Are God's hands tied?
Are we responsible to do something about the poverty and brokenness in our communities?
Description: Watch and listen as we take an honest look at what keeps us from fully engaging in the mission of Jesus. Then utilize our discussion guide to help you and/or your group process what you have seen and heard.
A feedback form is included, as well as an opportunity to share comments with others.

The 5 Hinderances
What is it that hinders us in our spiritual growth, and keeps us from experiencing the fullness of life in Christ?
Description: Watch and listen as we expose five major things that can hinder us in our growth into the “Fullness of Christ”. Then utilize our discussion guide to help you and/or your group process what you have seen and heard.
A feedback form is included, as well as an opportunity to share comments with others.

Who's Following Who?
Are we helping people to become fully devoted followers of Christ, living in the fullness of all that God is calling them to?
Description: Watch and listen as we take a look at this really important question, with huge ramifications. Then utilize our discussion guide to help you and/or your group process what you have seen and heard.
A feedback form is included, as well as an opportunity to share comments with others.