Intentional Gatherings

These are local Gatherings with an Intent to encourage and inspire people to pursue more in their relationship with God and to be more intentional about their personal spiritual growth.

Dinner & Discussion

The Dinner & Discussion events are designed to bring people together for a time of Intentional conversation, with honest sharing and processing regarding our personal spiritual journey and growth.

Dinner & Discussion

Format: Participants are seated at tables of 4. They share dinner and intentional conversation, answering the question; “What is God showing you or how is He growing you lately?” After dinner, the facilitator will lead the group into the topic of the evening. The remainder of the evening consists of: Table discussion, personal reflection and processing, group feedback, teaching, and prayer.

Each dinner has a different discussion topic.

Dinner, beverage, and materials are provided.

Movie Nights

The Movie Nights are designed to bring people together to be encouraged, inspired, and challenged as they watch movies and documentaries of real people who have made themselves available to love and serve others and further the mission of God in various ways.

Movie Nights

Format: Participants are given a briefing before the movie, giving them some context and relevant information regarding the people and situation involved. They are encouraged to be watching for certain elements and asking themselves questions like: What compels people to sacrifice like that? How is God bringing His love and hope to those being served, etc. After the movie, there is a time of collective processing and discussion. Evening is concluded in a time of prayer.

Snacks, popcorn and drinks are provided.

Inspirational Gatherings

The Inspirational Gatherings are designed to bring people together to be encouraged, inspired, and challenged as they hear stories and testimonies from local people who are living lives of faith and trust while engaged in serving others and furthering the mission of God.

Inspirational Gatherings

Format: Guest speakers will be interviewed and/or give a presentation regarding their personal story and the mission or ministry they are engaged in. . This is followed by a time of Q&A with the quest, followed by some collective processing of what we heard and learned, and what it causes us to think, feel, and do. Evening is concluded in a time of prayer and response.

Snacks and drinks are provided.