Living The Kingdom Way
Description: Eight interactive study, discussion, and learning sessions designed to help us
live out the reality of God’s Kingdom in the midst of our current culture.
8-week interactive sessions (including Kingdom vs. Culture Class on April 12th):
Opening Session:
Week 1: Kingdom Vs Culture: Discovery, Discernment, Decision process.
The good news of the Kingdom!
Week 2: Discovering the ways of the Kingdom that Jesus invites us into.
Week 3: Understanding our new identity in the Kingdom. Who Gods says we are.
Week 4: The source of our power to live the Kingdom way. The relationship with Jesus,
the Vine and the Branch.
Living the Kingdom way, moving from theory to reality.
Week 5: Choosing God and others over selfishness and pleasure.
Week 6: Freedom from the trappings of possessions, money, and false security.
Week 7: Walking in assurance and humility, instead of striving for status and success.
Week 8: The daily life: Developing rhythms of intentional personal spiritual growth. The
increasing reality of Kingdom life.