Pursuing More Classes
These and other teachings can be offered in a variety of formats tailored to meet your specific needs: Classroom, pulpit, small groups, one-on-one, workshops, conferences or retreats.
Awareness & Decision
Single classes and teachings providing: Awareness of what is possible, Assessment of where you are, and an Invitation to decide if you want what God wants
Introduction to Living & Growing in the fullness of Christ
What is this “Fullness” that God is calling us into?
Description: This introductory class explores what God desires for us in the way of our personal relationship with Him, our personal transformation, and our disciple lifestyle. Honestly considering where we are in that process and answering the question; Do we want what God wants? One class
Kingdom vs Culture
Exposing the major differences between our current culture and the Kingdom of God.
Description: An Interactive class exploring the differences between the truths, values, and promises of God’s Kingdom, and the values, priorities and promises of our culture. Bringing awareness and understanding that helps participants recognize the direct conflict between the two, and calls for the question: Which will you serve? Which will you live in? One class
Shifting the focus
Moving from Self-centered to Christ-centered
Description: This class utilizes the Discovery-Discernment-Decision format for honest discussion and processing among participants regarding the self-centered American cultural Christianity, so common today. And recognizing the need to “shift the focus” toward intentionally pursuing a Christ-centered life, devoted to following Jesus and furthering His mission in this place and time. One class
Intentional Growth
Series of sessions including teaching, honest discussion, small group processing, testimony, personal reflection, and prayer. Designed to help you experience personal growth and create desire and expectation for more.
Living & Growing in the fullness of Christ
Actively engaging in the life of growth and transformation
Description: This series is designed for those who are desiring more in their personal relationship with God, personal transformation in their lives, and a greater capacity to live out the life God has called them to. The teaching and processing pieces equip participants to better respond to God’s initiative and experience an increasing reality of the “fullness of Christ” in their lives. These interactive classes include teaching, small group processing, personal reflection, prayer, and testimonies. 4 classes
The Kingdom way
Living the Kingdom way. “In the world, but of the Kingdom”
Description: Designed to help people discover the ways of the Kingdom that Jesus invites us into. Discovering our identity and growing in our relationships with Father, Son, Holy Spirit, and learning to walk in the Peace, Joy, and Freedom of the Kingdom, not settling for the fleeting security, happiness, and success of this world. This is an interactive class with teaching, small group sharing and processing, personal reflection, prayer, and testimonies. 8 sessions
Pursuing More
Stirring up a hunger and belief for More in your journey with God
Description: This conference/workshop is a great way to help launch people into an ongoing pursuit of more of what God has for them. The main focus is on personal awareness and our experience of the great and precious promises of God in our lives. Key elements addressed are: Our identity in Christ, Mindsets that help or hinder growth, The work of believing and receiving, and the difference it makes in our lives. Workshop involves; teaching, small group discussion, group processing, sharing, personal reflection, prayer, and worship. 5-6hr session
Personal relationship with Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
Moving from Knowing about God, to Living in the reality of a personal relationship.
Description: Designed to help members of the body of Christ have a better understanding of who God is, the nature of the relationship with God and how to engage and experience a more intimate, dependent relationship with Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit. Session involves: Group teaching, small group sharing and processing, personal reflection, prayer, and testimonies. 5 Classes

Pursuing More together
Actively journeying together towards fullness and maturity.
Description: This series is designed to provide a context and format for a small group to be intentional in their pursuit of growing and experiencing more in their relationship with God and living in their identity and calling. These sessions combine an atmosphere of mutual support and encouragement with teaching and tools to facilitate personal growth through processing, sharing, prayer, reflection, and testimony. 4-6 sessions
Resources for Leaders
Teachings, group processing, and resources designed to help leaders focus on empowering people in their own pursuit of the fullness of life in Christ.
Shifting the focus (for leaders)
Leading others from Self-centered to Christ-centered
Description: These sessions provide a format for pastors and leaders to honestly discuss and process together regarding the current state of the church and the need to shift the focus away from the self-centered American cultural Christianity to intentionally development of fully devoted followers of Jesus who are living in the fullness of what God desires for them. Also, for leaders, to determine how they can intentionally focus on fulfilling their calling and commission as described in Ephesians 4. …so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. 5 sessions
Focusing Leadership
Leading together on purpose
Description: This workshop is for leadership teams and is designed to help bring clarity to the mission and vision of the Church and provide a framework and a context for leaders and leadership teams to pursue that mission together.
The clearer the object of our pursuit is, the more likely we shall be able to adopt the means to obtain it. -Andrew Murray Workshop includes guided group processing, teaching, personal and collective reflection, prayer, and visioning. 5-6hr session
Leader training for Pursuing More together
Leading others together towards fullness and maturity.
Description: This series is designed to equip leaders to facilitate intentional growth groups. Leaders will participate in experiential training as they engage with others in an intentional growth process. Learning to provide a context and format for small groups to be intentional in their pursuit of growing and experiencing more in their relationship with God and living in their identity and calling. 4 sessions
Furthering the Mission
Activities, resources, and teachings to help you live in your identity and engage in the mission of Christ in your current context.
Coming soon…