About Pursuing More
Pursuing More invites and empowers people to experience true transformation and growth in an ongoing intimate and dependent relationship with God.
Based in the Pacific Northwest, Pursuing More evolved from over 20 years of teaching, mentoring, leading, and encouraging others in their spiritual growth. This has been done in various settings within local churches and thru non-profit organizations. Over the years we have developed unique resources and activities that help believers become more aware of all that God desires for them, and helps launch them into a relentless pursuit of:
• More in their personal relationship with God.
• More personal transformation.
• More of a disciple lifestyle.
Our goal is to cultivate mindsets and practices of intentional spiritual growth for the purpose of pursuing more of the life God has called us to live.
Why Pursuing More?
Ephesians 4 tells us that as a body of believers and followers of Jesus Christ, certain things should be happening. Ephesians 4:11 –13
So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.
Where is the equipping, the building up, the unity, the knowledge of Jesus? Why don’t we see maturity? What is this fullness of Christ? Why do we have the same challenges year after year and don’t seem to find lasting victory, freedom, peace or joy in our lives, our families, our communities?
We recognize five major things that hinder us in our process of spiritual growth and maturing in the “Fullness of Christ”
We have not been fully aware of what God wants for us.
We have not believed it was possible for us.
We have not decided we want it bad enough to choose it over self.
We have not been intentional about pursuing it.
We have not seen many examples of people actually living in the fullness of Christ.
Because of these, too many Christians have settled for too little for too long, and many have given up on a greater experience of what God invites us into. Because of this, the body of Christ has suffered and our witness to the world has been greatly diminished.
As we address these elements, we recognize that we do not need to settle for less than the fullness of Christ which God invites us into.
The question is:
Do we want this fullness that God is inviting us into? Do we want to pursue this growing and maturing and living this out?

About Bill
Bill has been serving and leading in the greater Puyallup area for over 25 years. His passion is to see people living deeper Christ centered lives, actively engaged in the great adventure of following God, serving others, and furthering the mission of God.
- Founder and Director of Friends & Servants ministry, serving troubled teens and juvenile offenders, from 1992-2010.
- Founder and Directed of The One Another Foundation, mobilizing people to serve others in the context of their own community, from 2010-2015.
- Member of The John 17 Fellowship leadership team since 2013.
- Creator and leader of “Shifting the Focus”, a powerful initiative helping churches focus on intentional discipleship since 2017.
Over the years and in various contexts Bill has developed a variety of teachings, processes, and resources that have been brought together in Pursuing More. He specializes in interactive teaching, group processing, mentoring and experiential discipleship. He offers workshops, classes, retreats, and processes for pastors, leaders, and individuals.
The Pursuing More Team

Laura Steward
I’m from the Pacific Northwest. I know I was made for more, I feel it deeply! I know the community around me are made for more as well. In the past few years I have experienced that more is very possible and it has been incredibly exhilarating! Everyone is invited, and Jesus has shown the way, giving us the path and the power so we can go there! I want my life to be increasingly transformed and I am passionate to encourage others in this too!

Jamison & Rachael Gibbons
Our home is in the south sound region of Western Washington. We have a common aim to share God’s Good News to the world! It is by abiding or remaining in God’s love that we are inspired and led to pursue more of what God has for us. By God’s power, we are thrilled to be an instrument in His hands and want to encourage the church to live out the fullness to which God has called them.

Amanda Kvamme
I was raised and currently reside in the South Hill area of Washington. Throughout my life God has provided and comforted me in incredible ways and I want to spend the rest of it abiding in and serving him. The tools and culture of Pursuing More help turn this from theory into reality. I am excited to continue to see the Holy Spirit working and motivated to encourage others towards God’s love.
Funding and costs:
At Pursuing More our top priority is to empower people to grow in their personal relationship with God and to further the mission of God in this place and time.
Our desire is that cost would not be a barrier for anyone to participate and receive encouragement through the services and resources we offer. We also do not want finances to be a motive for us in how we provide services, or in who we serve.
Therefore, all classes and sessions are offered on a contribution basis. Participants are invited to contribute as they are able.
Obviously, there are costs involved in providing these services and resources, so we also rely on contributions from individuals and churches that want to help provide these opportunities for others.
We trust that God will provide all that we need to continue the mission He has called us to.
*Merchandise for sale does have specific prices which include local sales tax.
* Pursuing More is not a tax exempt organization